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Turkish Inheritance Law Summary
If the decedent was married, we have to explain the portion according to the alive spouse (husband or wife).If the alive spouse is inheritor with,
- Decedent’s kids: Alive spouse will get ¼, kids will get ¾ and share equally.
- (No Kids or Grandchild) Decedent’s parents: Alive spouse will get ½, parents will get ½ and share equally.
- (No Kids or Parent/ Parent’s kids, grandchild) Decedent’s grandfather/grandmother: Alive spouse will get ¾, grandfather/grandmother will get ¼ and share equally.
If there is no alive spouse, Kids get 100% of inheritance and share equally. For single (unmarried and also has no kids) decedent, legal inheritors are decedent’s father and mother and they share equally. If father or mother or both are dead; kids and dead kid’s kids will get the inheritance. If there is no parents and kids or parent’s kid or grandchild, then grandfather and grandmother are legal inheritors. If they are dead their kids will be legal inheritors.
Will Law in Turkey
A person who has completed fifteen years of age and having full mental capacity can make a will with in the limits and the form which are specified by the Civil Code. In case of error, fraud or duress, the will is not valid. A will may be executed in official form, in handwriting, or orally. A will executed in official form will be made in the presence of a notary and the final text will be signed by two witnesses Oral will is avaible for emergency states. Official will and handwritten will provides the same result but Official will has more proof power. Some disputes about signature can involve because of handwritten will after grantor death. The most important point about a will is the text. The text has to include all necessary informations required because of Turkish Civil Code and it has to tell the will of grantor in the right way.
What do I need to prepare a will
How will I prepare my will You will have an appoinment from our law Office and we will prepare the best text for your will according to your needs. Then we will go to public notary when your will is ready to sign.
Approximately Attorney Fee , Notary Charges and Translator Fee Attorney Fee to Represent 2 people(Example Husband and Wife) 250 € Additional Expenditure Notarising a Will at the Public Notary for 2 people plus Offical Translator Cost approximately 750 YTL
Attorney Fee to Represent 1 person 150 € Additional Expenditure Notarising a Will at the Public Notary for 1 person plus Offical Translator Cost approximately 375 YTL
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